Seller financing or vendor financing is very normal in commercial and multi-family real estate. However, in the residential real estate world—it absolutely blows people’s minds! You want me to what? You did a deal how? And the next question is ALWAYS, “is...
WHAT DOES RENT-TO-OWN MEAN TO YOU AS THE INVESTOR? We often work with smart, hard-working people that want to grow their investments, but don’t have time to learn, and then acquire and manage properties. We do an occasional flip,...
DID YOU TAKE THE SHOT? My son has been playing soccer since he could waddle. So I have “cheered” at a lot of soccer games over the years. Snow, rain, blazing heat, ridiculous wind—we’ve seen Mother...
WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? In summer we all expect to have a few moments, days, or weeks to be able to relax! In the world of real estate investing our expectations have a lot more variety. For example, in...
How about an intellectual popsicle on this gorgeous long weekend? You’ve heard of fix and flip, you’ve heard of buy-and-hold, you’ve heard of multifamily—but do you know about the BRRR strategy for investing in real estate? BRRR stands for Buy-Renovate-Rent-Refinance...
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