
Think you have to have 20% to buy an investment property?  Wondering how you’ll ever grow your savings to $100K or enough for that?!  Or did you just want to click on the cool car pic?!!!

It is true, real estate plays a key role in the investments of high-net-worth individuals.  Some surveys suggest as much as 30% of an ultra-wealthy investor’s portfolio may be in real estate.  While these folks use real estate to get richER, regular humans can also use real estate investments to grow their wealth.

Have you noticed how most of the big pension funds quietly go around buying the best multi-family properties—for millions of dollars?  These are purchases fueled by a large number of small players (for example health care workers) who pay into a pooled fund.  Outside of your job, this can also be done through REIT’s (Real Estate Investment Trusts).  Think of it like a mutual fund that only buys properties (instead of stocks).  If those pension funds are looking for relatively safe and stable places to invest their cash, why wouldn’t you?

Or what about joint venturing with a real estate expert?  Someone who will do almost all of the work for you?  Many of the active investors in Alberta today are finding opportunities that require low cash down.  For example, we just closed on a property that only required $20K to invest today—really!  Ask us how!  And no, it’s not cheating.  And no, it’s not illegal.  We always work with lawyers for both the seller and the buyer to make sure everyone is protected in the deal.  More commonly we can find deals that require about 10% down; that’s one of the advantages of partnering with an educated and experienced investor.

Your idea of financial freedom might not include the Lamborghini, but don’t hold yourself back if you want to invest smaller amounts.  There is a way!  And your money can be secured on title!  Give us a call or send us an email anytime; we love to chat about property investing:  https://mountainsedgedevelopments.com/.

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