Reminisce with me?  What were you doing a year ago?  Preparing for a summer vacation?  Busy with outdoor sports for the kids?  Working 12 hour days?

Now consider all of the things you would have said were IMPOSSIBLE:

  • All schools and universities closed to classroom learning, across the entire country
  • Gas prices dropped considerably—Oil sells for negative dollar values?!?
  • 95% of airline traffic just stops, international borders closed—not related to a war
  • Many businesses now won’t take cash.
  • Brave armed soldiers are re-purposed, to work in seniors’ homes.

I think most of us would have said any of these things were preposterous, ridiculous and utterly impossible!

Now, what is ALSO be possible at the dawn of the post COVID era?

  • Governments are handing out interest-free loans to support businesses today and in their transitions
  • All those meetings “that could never be done from a home office” are literally happening daily
  • Rush hour simply doesn’t exist in many cities; buses are empty
  • Pollution improves so much that Everest is visible from Kathmandu
  • Even customers reluctant to use online shopping platforms are diving in

Not just possible—the changes are real, and growing.

So, if the impossible happened, and bizarre new possibilities are being uncovered every day … what ELSE is POSSIBLE for you in your life today?  Your old beliefs about how the world works need to be tested to see if they still apply.  Maybe some of your old beliefs were never true—they were just holding you back?  We can’t mourn the losses forever, and we can’t go back … so what can we create for the future?

This is a blog for real estate investors, so specifically what did you think was impossible?

  • Financing the first deal?
  • Purchasing and managing a multi-family property?
  • Investing in Real Estate, without 2 am toilet calls?

I ask you to consider what might be possible?  Trust me, it’s a lot more fun than listening to the news, surfing social media, or trying desperately to find something to watch on Netflix.  And then, if your financial freedom matters enough to you, are you willing to do the work?  Are you interested in partnering with someone who does the work, while you invest the capital?  There are so many possibilities just waiting for you – what actions will you take?  What else is POSSIBLE for a better financial future?


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