First, congratulations to all the Grads of 2020!  We hope you all found ways to celebrate the milestone and stay safe.

High school graduation is such a rite-of-passage.  University grad is a real achievement.  But what about all the other learning we do for our jobs and businesses?  So how does this relate to Real Estate Investing?  No one is a born expert in real estate investing.  We all learn different aspects, at different times in our investing careers.  That learning is essential—but can sometimes become addicting.

The experts call it “analysis paralysis.”  Some of us simply call it the “perpetual learning loop.”  And let me tell you, in these uncertain COVID times, it is easy to get sucked into the online learning market.  And that’s a good thing! … Until you just keep learning without action.

It can sometimes become easier to keep learning—safer too!  And really, how can any one person know it all?  Trick question, that is quite simply impossible.  One program leads to another, and then segues into several others.

For the month of June, we have been learning about marketing, and specifically Click Funnels.  What I love about the program is that it is designed to match a little learning, with a little action, every day, for 30 days.  No shortcuts, no sidetracks, no distractions.  It is simply 30 days of Learn-Act, Learn-Act, Learn-Act.

The program instructors literally keep reminding us that you don’t need to know it all—you just need to know the next step!  Even better if you know WHO can help with the next stumbling-block or piece of the puzzle.  In real estate investing—that’s your TEAM.

Where do we go when we need an explanation of the latest changes in the economic fundamentals?  #REINfamily.  Where do we go with questions related to Joint Ventures?  #Fearlessfamily.   And then, with our specific questions, we ask lawyers, accountants, insurance specialists, etc….  Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a bit infamous for asking a lot of questions!

The point is simply to focus your education hours and projects on the next things you really need to know to proceed with the next deal you’re thinking about.  No reckless or careless risk-taking please!  But I bet most of you already have all the knowledge you need to reach out to someone and move forward.

We are loving this new rhythm of learning and doing.  We hope our family and friends will continue to create your dream life, create your plan to get there, and then find the people and opportunities that will lead to your #financialfreedom.

P.S.  No one said it was going to be easy!  Isn’t your financial future worth it?


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