What Scares You?!?

                                                               WHAT SCARES YOU ?!?             Trick or Treat!  Trump or Biden?  The girl or the ghost in the picture?  Spiders or zombies?  What scares you?             Halloween is both a strange and a wonderful...

Where Does Financial Freedom Begin?

WHERE DOES FINANCIAL FREEDOM BEGIN? “Just tell me where to start.” Often, when we chat with newer real estate investors, this is one of the first sentences we hear.  But the journey has already begun by the time we meet them.  The investor “heros” have a variety of...

Thankful for Every Bit of Progress

THANKFUL FOR EVERY BIT OF PROGRESS Here’s a good challenge for you:  do you remember life before COVID?  Grand weddings, travelling the world, dining out anytime and anywhere you chose?  Many of us miss something about those pre-COVID days. Some of us are even...

Comparison Shopping

Relax gents, it’s not that kind of shopping!  We’re talking about shopping around for a mortgage.  Do you realize how many choices you have? When we chat with financial partners, one of the most common questions we get is about mortgages:  “should I use a broker, or...

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