
A Glance Back at 2020, with Gratitude

                                               A GLANCE BACK AT 2020, with GRATITUDE Holiday expectations have been turned on their heads this year! But maybe that’s okay.  Maybe that’s even a gift in disguise?! 2020 means fewer work, social and family commitments. ...

Let’s Talk About Slump

                                                               LET’S TALK ABOUT SLUMP! Yup, let’s do it!  “Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be, let’s talk about” … slump.  Anyone else remember that song from 1990 by Salt N Pepa? ...

Let’s go surfing

LET’S GO SURFING! Anyone else tired of talking about first wave, second wave, etc…?  Let’s go surfing instead! Literally, surfing is the art and science of riding the waves.  There is no sense in complaining about the size of the wave, or where it happened, or how...

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