How big did you dream last week?  Did you set your short and long term goals big enough for 2021?  Is your vision the view from the peak of your new mountain?

Now, your challenge is to turn those dreams and that vision into reality!  The idea is to break down what seems overwhelming (the mountain) into manageable pieces=your long term goals.  And then to break those pieces down into bite-sized actionable steps=short-term goals.

For example, someone may dream of climbing Mount Everest.  A long term goal might be to begin with their first summit, maybe Mount Rainier.  Some of the short term goals to get to that summit could include:  physical training, technical mountain climbing and/or rock climbing skills, acquiring the equipment needed, and saving enough money to hire a guide and go with a group, etc….  Actionable steps might include just beginning a daily physical training program.

So, if you have the motivation and the roadmap, it’s easy right?  Just follow the steps in front of you (pun intended!).

Ah yes, but then there’s this thing called real life!

As you embark on your worthy journey, any number of unforeseen obstacles may present themselves.  Many climbers will face an injury or two, permits for the scheduled climbing date may be in short supply, or weather may blow in to slow the journey, or postpone it all together.

Real Estate investors and Mountain Climbers need to be agile, smart and determined.  If Plan A doesn’t work, do you have a plan B, or C, or G, …?  When a mountain climber is 12 days into a 20 day summit attempt, they need to be able to figure things out as if their life depends on it–because it probably does. Investors just need act “as if” their life depends on it and solve problems with passion!

Many investors we admire have faced, and conquered ridiculous obstacles in 2020:  changing government regulations/restrictions, bank financing guidelines that seem to defy logic at times, tenant job losses, and the regular repair and maintenance issues that make us all say “hmm, that’s a new one.”

As we look forward to 2021, we have a clear vision of our Mountain Peak.  We are keeping it positive and keeping it real!  Our goals might move forward faster or slower than expected.  What we know for sure is that problems will continue to appear.

So we are endeavoring to become passionate problem solvers.  We have no expectations that this will be easy.  And we certainly will not be hiding or shying away from the issues—just hoping that they go away.  Gosh, that’s a true recipe for disaster!

If your energy needs to be somewhere else (work, family, health, …) and you’re looking for a working partner to solve real estate problems for you—connect with us for a chat.  We’re excited about the journey into economic recovery and happy to share the path with friends and colleagues.



And if you just want OUT of a problem property, connect with us to see if we can help you find a solution.

©Copyright 2018 Mountain's Edge Development

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