Searching for the Home Run

Searching for the Home Run

SEARCHING FOR THE HOME RUN Any other Jays’ fans out there?  Or do you have kids who love to watch Guerroro, Bichette, Gurriel and Springer?  Those boys have mastered the art of work-hard-play-hard, and have a little fun! They are passionately searching for the home...
Finding a Right Fit Partner

Finding a Right Fit Partner

FINDING A “RIGHT FIT” PARTNER? Let me tell you a story about the time a possible joint venture partner said, “you’re not a real investor.” It was my very first “formal” pitch. This gentleman and his wife already knew, liked and trusted...
Job Growth

Job Growth

JOB GROWTH Today, everyone is talking about the Federal Budget.  So I figure you really don’t need me for that.  Plenty of experts will dial in, explore the tiny details, and let you know how it impacts your life, and real estate investing in general. Most people also...
How Do We Get Out?!?

How Do We Get Out?!?

HOW DO WE GET OUT?!? When I first saw this house, I LOVED it!  “Uh oh,” says that little voice, “this is real estate investing—keep your emotions out of it!”  Oh, but it was perfect!  Ugly, dirty, in disrepair and below market value because it had already been listed...

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