You’ve decided to be a real estate investor—congratulations! You’ve researched your market, you’ve crunched your numbers, and you’ve narrowed it down to your ideal target property.
Now, let’s say you find a property that appears to fit all your criteria—now what?!
Some people will say, “Oh that’s so obvious! Write the offer and start your due diligence.” Ah yes, but will those very same people put pen to paper? Okay, maybe they’ll just put clicks to Docusign these days!
When you write the offer a few critical things happen. The seller must decide quite quickly if they really want to sell, to you, at that price. Their mindset changes from “maybe we’ll move to …” to “are we really moving in X months for this price?”
Even more important though is what happens for you as the buyer. Your mindset does an immediate shift: forwards, backwards or sideways. Let me explain. Some buyers are great decision makers and programmed for action; they wouldn’t write the offer unless they were confident, so it’s just a slight shift forward until the offer is accepted. Some buyers start to write the offer, then get distracted or confused. Their mindset does a sideways shift to “am I really sure?” Or “maybe this other one really would be better.” And for some buyers, their mindset does a complete freak out: fight, flight or freeze baby! At this point they become stuck in analysis paralysis, throw out the offer altogether, or write an offer so absurd it can’t possibly be accepted by the seller. They sabotage their grand goals as a real estate investor.
To move forward as an investor, you have to write the offer. Yup: that simple! Remember, as the buyer you have conditions to your offer (don’t get me started on unconditional offers!). When your offer is accepted, you will be working hard to double check that this property does in fact meet all your criteria.
Let’s make 2020 the year of actions: big and small. All those little steps will keep you moving toward your Financial Freedom! Call, text, or email anytime you want to chat real estate investing or renovating: @mtnedgedevelops @mtnedgerenovate. https://mountainsedgerenovations.com/ https://mountainsedgedevelopments.com/