THANK YOU! As real estate investors, we plan and strategize to the best of our abilities. We run the numbers and arrange the financing. We carefully screen tenants, and perform property inspections. We do preventative maintenance, and upgrades to optimize our...
MONTHLY CHECK-IN “Why are you so obsessed with the stats?” Someone recently asked us this question. Huh. What makes them think that we wondered? Apparently, it’s because once a month we post about the economic fundamentals. Huh. Please allow us to clarify. Yes,...
EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE: We are now certified Alberta Home Builders … AND … offering the Alberta New Home Warranty Program to our clients. Building your new custom home is a big deal to us, and we stand behind our workmanship. What does this mean for you?...
INCOMING TENANT PROFILE: GEN Z We love long-term buy and holds. As far as real estate investment strategies go, this one probably has the lowest “sexy” factor, but one of the best wealth-generating track records. It’s ok, we’re not looking to be the latest,...
DRAMA VS BUSINESS Can the two be separated? What’s your opinion? And what if it’s a real estate business? Now can the drama be removed from the business? We think … um … not! We’ll consider this from the customer angle: our tenants. This is their home. There are...
PROPERTIES ARE LIKE EASTER EGGS Stay with me for a minute here. What is an egg? Basically it’s a “tiny home” for a baby chick (or other creatures that lay eggs). Eggs themselves come in a wide variety of sizes. Then add in some Easter, and those eggs transform...
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