DEAR SANTA … We have been very good real estate investors this year! Here is our Christmas wish list: Tenants that pay on time, and stay for years. Interest rates that stabilize, so we can plan for cashflow Insurance companies with reasonable requests, and...
WINTER REAL ESTATE Ooh baby it’s cold outside! There is a very good reason bears hibernate! Have you noticed how many people are doing their own hibernating? As we look at some of the local stats today, we are reminded of the real estate cycle AND the calendar...
IN HONOUR OF OUR AMERICAN COUSINS … Hopefully the Thanksgiving celebrations were fabulous for our American friends! While we pondered topics for this week’s blog, we noticed overwhelming news about chaos and storms, both now and in the near future. As real estate...
THE BOOGEYMAN IS OUT THERE!! … OR IS HE? We’ve been sticking to a lots of facts lately, but today we’re sharing an observation, with a question. In 2022, how often have we heard things like: It’s the government’s fault It’s the landlord’s or tenant’s fault It’s the...
CALGARY: IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS This headline should freak out a few hard-core real estate investors! Allow me to explain. Computers have hardware products and software programs. Jobs have hard or technical skills; but many employers also hire for soft...
CALGARY UNDER THE MAGNIFYING GLASS How often does anyone get a “do over?” Once we’re adults, it is very rare. Imagine the real estate investors from Vancouver: many would love to go back to the early 2000’s and plan their investments a little differently. Or...
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