THE BOOGEYMAN IS OUT THERE!! … OR IS HE? We’ve been sticking to a lots of facts lately, but today we’re sharing an observation, with a question. In 2022, how often have we heard things like: It’s the government’s fault It’s the landlord’s or tenant’s fault It’s the...
CALGARY: IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS This headline should freak out a few hard-core real estate investors! Allow me to explain. Computers have hardware products and software programs. Jobs have hard or technical skills; but many employers also hire for soft...
CALGARY UNDER THE MAGNIFYING GLASS How often does anyone get a “do over?” Once we’re adults, it is very rare. Imagine the real estate investors from Vancouver: many would love to go back to the early 2000’s and plan their investments a little differently. Or...
PLAYING IT SAFE? OR SEIZING OPPORTUNITY? Financial advisors and institutions love to give those risk-tolerance questionnaires. After the 15th time of filling out the same questionnaire, before you’re “allowed” to proceed with whatever question you have, it gets a...
BUCKET LIST “What would need to happen in 5, 10, 30 years for you to feel successful?” This is an actual essay question from a scholarship application that my teens are filling out. Their task is to write an essay. As adults, and real estate investors, our task is...
GAME NIGHT?! Have you ever played board games, or even outdoor games, with kids? If you have, then you’ve probably experienced that phenomenon where the rules of the games change, or at the very least shift. Sometimes with little warning, and usually to the...
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