WHAT’S A RENTAL HOUSING PROVIDER TO DO? There sure are a lot of frustrated landlords out there. Utilities are up, taxes are up, interest rates are up –and how much higher will these go? House prices are up or down, depending on where each investor lives. Some...
WHAT’S AFFORDABLE? This summer we enjoyed a family celebration where a bunch of young adults were present. It was fabulous to re-connect, but surprising to listen to their conversations. Rather than concerts, parties, and travel, almost ALL of them were discussing...
CELEBRATING SUMMER SUCCESSES Anyone remember R.E.M.’s Shiny Happy People? It was a great tune in it’s day! Go find a song that picks you up. Yes, now. This weekend is simply too gorgeous to do anything other than celebrate and enjoy the fruits of your labours. To...
DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS Today I had the immense privilege of spending time with a group of real estate investors. Fascinating, inspiring and just a little geeky! But here’s the really interesting thing: each of us has a different approach for our real...
FRESH PERSPECTIVE Shoshin means “beginner’s mind” in Zen Buddhism, according to a Wikipedia definition. It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a...
SUMMERTIME REFLECTIONS Even as we enjoy these long, warm, summer evenings, it seems like everyone is still talking real estate. Homeowners, renters, investors, bankers, even government officials are all sharing their opinions. Oh, and what a variety of...
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