BUILDING YOUR FINANCIAL HOUSE Reality TV really doesn’t compare to real life! This summer we have been privileged to work with a client that is turning their old family cabin into their dream home. Fabulous location, great designs and hundreds of tiny decisions...
MAGICAL CONTRACTOR!?! How many times have you heard the story about the Big Bad Contractor? Well, if you’re involved in real estate investing, you’ve heard a few! The dramatic, evil, and sometimes illegal stories go round and round. So we thought we’d flip that...
DRINKING THE KOOL AID? Looks like another weekend for your favourite cool beverage! Wherever you’re at, we hope you are enjoying the sunshine and warmth. We know many investors will be using this precious time to refresh, and re-energize and simply enjoy being with...
ROAD TRIP! Has anyone else noticed the volume of RV’s on the roads these days?!? We live a little off the beaten path—in a normal year. This year, there are travelers everywhere (aka slow highways). Add in the farm equipment with early harvests, and I strongly...
SNAPSHOTS VS TRENDS Happy anniversary to us! This little blog turns 3 years old today! What began as a weekly posting about using real estate investments to create Financial Freedom, has evolved into a short-but-sweet weekly snapshot about the Calgary market and our...
TO EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASON Just a couple of short weeks after things started opening up, the difference is palpable. Have you noticed? Almost everywhere we go, people’s moods are brighter! Freedom matters. Freedom to choose where to go and when,...
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