Scope Creep

SCOPE CREEP This week we’re blending hats!  We’re talking about our main business as renovators, and our passion as real estate investors.  Ready to walk through some insider info? Whether you’re renovating your own house, adding a suite or flipping a property (with a...

Naysayers be gone!

NAYSAYERS, BE GONE! There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, There are thousands to prophesy failure; There are thousands to point out to you, one by one, The dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, Just take off your coat...

Paradigm Shifting

PARADIGM SHIFTING It’s exquisite outside!  How often do we see gorgeous weather all weekend?!  Stop reading this and go enjoy some vitamin D and a cool beverage! Huh, a few of you stuck around, eh? We’re really excited about the world opening up again, but we’ve...

Riding Off Into the Sunset ….

RIDING OFF INTO THE SUNSET … Many people have a romantic notion of their retirement.  If you live in Alberta, western analogies are often used—especially as Calgary prepares to host the Stampede again this year. However, every good story has its ups and downs, its...

Time Freedom

TIME FREEDOM As summer rapidly approaches, it’s time to lighten up a little—or a lot!  Usually we are focused on Financial Freedom strategies and tactics through real estate investing.  Today, we’re taking a moment to consider what wealth and money really provide for...

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