Reno’s in a Quasi-Covid World

RENO’S IN A QUASI-COVID WORLD Apocalypse?  No!  But plenty of drama!  Finally, humans are emerging from the chaos of Covid.  In many places there are fewer people getting sick, and more people protecting themselves with vaccinations.  The supply chains, however, are...

Millennials Affecting Real Estate

Answer:  This Age Group makes up approximately 25% of the Canadian Population Jeopardy-style Question:  Who are Millennials? Turning 40 has a way of changing your priorities!  This year, the first millennials are turning 40, and wow does it ever show in the housing...

From Pipelines to Tarot Cards

FROM PIPELINES TO TAROT CARDS?! It’s been quite a week of pipeline news!  Hackers were able to shut down the Colonial Pipeline, effectively strangling the fuel distribution to the entire Eastern seaboard—until the ransom was paid.  On this side of the border (mostly),...

Steps to Recovery

STEPS TO RECOVERY Even in the midst of this third wave, so many people are talking about financial recovery from Covid.  Whether it’s at a national (debt) level, a provincial  GDP recovery, a business profit margin or dividend recovery—or a personal net worth...

Cutting Property Expenses

                                                          CUTTING PROPERTY EXPENSES Wow!  Is this ever a common conversation topic amongst real estate investors!  Insurance is UPPP!  Renovation/repair and appliance replacement costs are up.  House prices are up, cash...

The Next Big Door

                                                                        THE NEXT BIG DOOR Last week we focused on “One Big Door;” that article was especially for the folks who are motivated and figuring out that first property.  Then what?  When you’ve got your first,...

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