Are You Hallucinating a Better Future?

ARE YOU HALLUCINATING A BETTER FUTURE? Can you feel it?  Is it real?  Do you hear it – quietly, and only in certain circles?  Have you seen some of the signs of change?  Look carefully, they can be subtle. It’s almost a year since Canada woke up in a Covid world: ...

Investor Identity

INVESTOR IDENTITY With 2 teenagers in our house, we talk A LOT about identity.  Who are you today?  What do you stand for?  Who are you becoming?  Who are you online?  We have some surprisingly deep conversations! But then we realized, real estate investors all...

Your Relationship with Financial Freedom

                                       YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM OK, this is a very unusual Valentine’s weekend.  Celebrating and enjoying relationships takes on a whole new meaning in a socially-distanced Covid world! But then we realized,...

Driving Your Real Estate Investments

DRIVE YOUR REAL ESTATE Anyone else out there have or had a 16 year old?  Driving lessons sure are fun, aren’t they?  And because our kids are close in age, we’ll just finish with one, when we’ll start teaching the next.  Oh joy!?! Real estate investing is a lot like...

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