Tenant Appreciation Season

TENANT APPRECIATION SEASON             It’s that time of year again!  Time to be grateful for what we DO have, especially in 2020.  And today is Black Friday—so the timing is perfect! If you have some good tenants, good handy-people, great realtors:  it’s time to...

Who’s right?

                                                                          WHO’S RIGHT? The simple answer is no one and everyone. Are you more confused than ever? Welcome to 2020! There is an abundance of opinions from the experts (regarding real estate and Covid!)....

What’s Your End Game Strategy?

                                                       WHAT’S YOUR END GAME STRATEGY? When you play a board game or a card game, you always know the goal in advance.  Whether it’s sophisticated like chess, or relatively simple like Battleship, the “win” is clearly...

Point of Maximum Financial Opportunity

                                              POINT OF MAXIMUM FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY Did your jaw drop?  Are you shaking your head?  Losing your mind a little bit with this headline? If you follow the news media even a little bit these days, you probably think the sky...

What Scares You?!?

                                                               WHAT SCARES YOU ?!?             Trick or Treat!  Trump or Biden?  The girl or the ghost in the picture?  Spiders or zombies?  What scares you?             Halloween is both a strange and a wonderful...

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