VALUE IS A MOVING TARGET What’s my home worth today? Well, that question will spice up the virtual dinner party conversation! We chat with a lot of folks trying to sell, rent or otherwise get out of their houses. Almost every day someone says, “I know it’s worth …....
PATIENCE, AND TRAINING HARD How can we keep it real, but not lose hope and faith that this too shall pass? While many people are sheltering in place and waiting it out, some of us are actively preparing for the recovery. It’s a little like training for a sports...
Reminisce with me? What were you doing a year ago? Preparing for a summer vacation? Busy with outdoor sports for the kids? Working 12 hour days? Now consider all of the things you would have said were IMPOSSIBLE: All schools and universities closed to classroom...
THE MODERN DAY RAT RACE Most likely you have heard the expression. Maybe you’ve even dreamed of ways to get out of the Rat Race. The concept is that employees get stuck on a treadmill or hamster wheel. They’re constantly in a routine that is supposed to bring them...
CYBER REVOLUTION – MEET REAL ESTATE INVESTORS Ok, I don’t live in a cave, but up until last week, I had never heard of the 4th revolution. What is it? In short: it is the era of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things, 3D printing, genetic...
CREATING AND MANAGING YOUR SAFETY NET How you are experiencing COVID 19 is often related to your inner social circles. Some people are working harder than ever, and even collecting bonus pay or overtime. Some people are bored and unemployed. Some people are...
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