Wait! Shouldn’t that be Merry Christmas? Or Happy Hannukah? Or Happy Kwanzaa? Of course many of us are ramping it up into high gear for the impending celebration season. Family, friends, and extended community events are plugged into everyone’s calendars. ...
What’s the number one question we get asked at ANY real estate investor’s meetup? “How many doors/properties do you have?” It’s a common filter investors use to categorize other investors. 1 door? Ok, baby investor. 10 doors? Ok, you’ve earned the right to have...
When you look at a house, what you see depends on a lot of factors. Let’s start by assuming you will look at the house for investment purposes (aka not your future home). Investor A might see all the possible expenses, risks, and problems. He or she might even hear...
RECOVERY VERSUS A DOUBLE DIP?? The first time we posted an article with this image, it was all about supply, supply, supply—like 7 months of supply on the real estate market!! ...
Time IN the market versus Timing the market As real estate investors, we are so excited about the opportunities available to invest in Calgary this winter. Yet when we talk to Calgarians, they often look at us like...
STATS ARE A FUNNY THING Statistics can point out the obvious! Often stats are old news as soon as they’re released. But stats, numbers and especially trends are all still relevant in the world of real...
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