STATS ARE A FUNNY THING Statistics can point out the obvious! Often stats are old news as soon as they’re released. But stats, numbers and especially trends are all still relevant in the world of real...
SUCCESSFUL JOINT VENTURES: OWN YOUR NEED! Recently, I attended a real estate Investor’s bootcamp. Just like a fitness bootcamp pushes you to your limits to make you stronger—this bootcamp filled our brains almost to the...
DAWN OF A NEW ERA … OR … THE EVER-CHANGING RULES OF THE GAME? It’s been quite a week for Albertans! The election has produced a new federal government “ish.” And our provincial government has released their budget. News items include more layoffs in oil and gas,...
A RECIPEE FOR REAL ESTATE INVESTING?! We hope everyone enjoyed at least one delicious meal this past Thanksgiving weekend! In many homes, the recipes and traditions are handed down through families; while in other homes, new recipes are created and shared as the...
THANK GOODNESS FOR SYSTEMS!! We love Thanksgiving! Everything about it: fall harvest, delicious meals, family, a break in the hectic autumn schedule, and a reminder to be thankful! With our real estate investments, we are very grateful for our systems! What does...
What keeps real estate investors awake at night? Tenant issues Bills Market Fluctuations, Economic drama, and unexpected expenses Tenant issues are best addressed with great property management and choosing your properties wisely. Regular bills, property management...
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