Are you paralyzed by all the negative headlines? Or are you uncertain and undecided because the path to growing your money appears risky, maybe even dangerous? Yet at the same time, you probably know that doing nothing won’t help you reach your financial freedom any...
Trying to predict the housing market? Or the Rental housing market? These days it’s not just like using a proverbial crystal ball—that’s a cloudy crystal ball you’re trying to see through! By following key economic and social factors, we attempt to take some of the...
FORTUNE IS IN THE FOLLOW UP Are you where you thought you would be at this age and stage of life? Whether you’re 30, 40, 50 or 60 plus—I can almost guarantee that life has thrown you a few curve balls. Many of...
MULTIPLE EXIT STRATEGIES FOR EACH PROPERTY In Calgary today, most of the investors are talking about the BUY. They discuss how easy it is to get into a good property at a good or great price. But would you buy an ice cream...
What are you doing for Easter weekend? If you celebrate the holiday, Happy Easter! And if you don’t, we sure hope you’re enjoying a long weekend and the spring weather—20 degrees yesterday! We were working all morning on the final details of our latest Rent to Own...
Every day we are engaging other investors and Albertans in conversations about real estate investments. The title of this blog is, by far, the most common phrase we hear these days. “Taxes just jumped up for Calgary!” “Property values are dropping.” “What will...
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