How many financial planners and wealth creation gurus are advising clients to have multiple income streams? Pretty much all of them! The concept is, that if one stream gets blocked, the other streams still continue to flow (cashflow that is). And multiple income...
I know, the real estate expression is supposed to be “location, location, location.” But this is Calgary (or just about anywhere in Alberta) and it’s 2019. CMHC is reporting the highest number of unabsorbed inventory ever recorded. Translation: there are more brand...
One of the key differences between the “accidental landlord” and a quality Rental Housing Provider is the passion for great customer service to our tenants. Another key distinction is a business mindset geared towards maximizing Return on Investment (for...
Sometimes real estate investing is like a great mystery novel. The plot twists and turns, the characters become suspects, or victims, or both! In the real estate investing mystery, we are the protagonist: constantly sleuthing for the best information in our pursuit...
We all love a great success story. We love to listen to a successful real estate investor tell us that he or she started with nothing and now they have 20, 50, 100 doors or more. And if he or she is a good story-teller, it almost seems like “magic” the way they...
Reality check: Real estate investing isn’t always easy or fun! Fear. Overwhelm. Tough Times. Distractions. Procrastination. Financing. Difficult Tenants. Home Repairs. Difficult neighbours. The list of reasons/excuses for not getting into...
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