OPPORTUNITY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER Fearful or greedy? Start of the boom versus start of a recession? Buyer beware or Buy as much as you can, as fast as you can? In a room of 10 real estate investors, you’ll probably hear 10 different opinions. And the funny...
SENIORS AS A TENANT PROFILE Great real estate investors often acquire and manage their properties for a specific tenant profile. We’re thinking about student rentals, Rent-to-Own (often first-time home buyers), inner city (possibly working professionals), or suburbs...
HANGING IN? When I showed a colleague this photo, she laughed. “Oh that’s the story of many real estate investors these days.” Hmmm, that wasn’t the purpose we had planned for the photo, but if that’s an instant reaction, then let’s chat. So for all our highly...
THE CASE FOR GARAGE SUITES? For a long time in Calgary, Garage Suites or Backyards Suites have been rare unicorns. The financial expense didn’t justify the rental income – only in a few cases did the business plan make sense. But, like everything else, that is...
SHOULD I, OR SHOULDN’T I? To invest in real estate, or not? This is a much more complicated question in 2023 than it was in the previous decade. Experienced investors systematize their answer and go back to the fundamentals each time they consider a new property, or...
WORKING TOGETHER?! Oh boy. There’s a good chance this post gets us in trouble with a few people. But we’re going to speak our truth, keeping it positive and keeping it real. Builder versus Developer? Contractor versus Real Estate Investor? In a cage match, who do...
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