CHOICES AND OPPORTUNITIES Does New Year’s ever feel like this to you? So many targets, goals, and possibilities! Each human has 24 hours a day to spend wisely, how do we decide? Today is the first Friday in January, so it is time for our monthly economic...
HOLIDAY FLAVOURS Party Season is in full swing for many people! So we’re keeping it light today and doing some mock toasts to our family and friends. Cheers to our Renovator, Contractor and Builder colleagues! What a crazy 3 years it’s been for us! Kudo’s to all of...
MEASURE TWICE, CUT ONCE This is ancient carpentry wisdom: measure twice, cut once. Essentially it means to double-check what you’re working on, before wasting time or materials. Interestingly, it applies equally to home building as it does to creating our financial...
OPPORTUNITY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER Fearful or greedy? Start of the boom versus start of a recession? Buyer beware or Buy as much as you can, as fast as you can? In a room of 10 real estate investors, you’ll probably hear 10 different opinions. And the funny...
SENIORS AS A TENANT PROFILE Great real estate investors often acquire and manage their properties for a specific tenant profile. We’re thinking about student rentals, Rent-to-Own (often first-time home buyers), inner city (possibly working professionals), or suburbs...
HANGING IN? When I showed a colleague this photo, she laughed. “Oh that’s the story of many real estate investors these days.” Hmmm, that wasn’t the purpose we had planned for the photo, but if that’s an instant reaction, then let’s chat. So for all our highly...
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